Protect and Preserve New York Public Campaign Finance Program!

The Fair Elections Coalition is urgently reaching out after years of your hard work to inform you about the critical state of the Public Campaign Finance Program in New York. Despite securing funding in the enacted state budget only weeks ago for the program as designed by the 2020 law, recent discussions within the legislature threaten to undermine the small donor matching funds program by structurally altering it or even delaying its implementation altogether. Time is of the essence, and we must act now to ensure the program remains intact for the upcoming 2024 election cycle, as planned.

The Fair Elections for New York coalition firmly believes that the agreed-upon funding for the Public Campaign Finance law and the small donor matching system is a significant and necessary step towards empowering everyday New Yorkers with a stronger voice in their democracy. Any suggestion to substantially alter the program’s matching criteria or make foundational changes, especially with only days remaining in the legislative session, is unacceptable. It is crucial that lawmakers honor New York voters’ wishes and protect the Public Campaign Finance Program, ensuring it remains fully effective for the 2024 elections without any last-minute structural changes.

We urge you to take immediate action by contacting your state Senator or Assembly member to express your support for New York’s Public Campaign Finance System. Your voice is instrumental in preserving the hard-earned progress together we have made and guaranteeing that our democracy is accessible to all. Together, we wield the power to forge a brighter, more equitable future for all New Yorkers.


What Should I Say?

Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I am [constituent OR concerned New Yorker].

As a member of the Fair Elections for New York coalition, I want to thank [LEGISLATOR’S NAME] for ensuring that Public Campaign Finance Program was allocated $39.5 million in this year’s budget. Our communities deserve a state government responsive to the needs of the people, not big industry donors and the wealthy elite. New Yorkers fought for and won this system. Thank you for not abandoning it.

Also, we must protect our democracy and give regular people the power to influence elections instead of big donors. This program promises to do just that and will be available for the 2024 state legislative elections. So, no secretive structural changes to the program at this eleventh hour of the legislative session. No changes and no delays.  Let’s make New York a leader in democracy! Can I count on [LEGISLATOR’S NAME] to reject any last minute suggested changes or delays to the system?

Thank you for your time!